The Plan Update Process
Protecting the environmental, economic, and social value of Oregon’s estuaries.
Estuary Management Plans balance the need to protect estuarine resources with the need to allow an appropriate level of development in estuarine and shoreline areas. Changes to Yaquina’s Estuary Management Plan may result in changes to local Comprehensive Plans as well as allowable uses and activities.
What is an Estuary Management Plan?
Oregon’s Statewide Planning Goal 16: Estuarine Resources provides guidance for the planning and management of Oregon's estuaries.
The objective of Goal 16 is to "recognize and protect the unique environmental, economic and social values of each estuary and associated wetlands; and to protect, maintain, where appropriate develop, and where appropriate restore the long term environmental, economic and social values, diversity and benefits of Oregon’s estuaries."
The goal requires individual estuary plans to designate appropriate uses for different areas within each estuary based on biological and physical characteristics and features, and to provide for review of proposed estuarine alterations to assure that they are consistent with overall management objectives and that adverse impacts are minimized.
An estuary management plan gives local jurisdictions the ability to manage their estuaries for the benefit of the public and natural resources in a way that meets the needs of the community. Lincoln County implements the estuary management plan for Yaquina Bay in coordination with the City of Newport and the City of Toledo.
Why does it need updating?
Most of Oregon’s estuary management plans were written 40 years ago. The current plan for Yaquina Bay was produced in 1982. Since then, we have updated maps, gained a better understanding of ecosystem processes, a better understanding of how estuaries fit into communities and their needs, and 40 years of insight from implementing the plan. All of that can inform what is working, what is no longer relevant, and what was missed or not anticipated in the original estuary management plan.
How will it affect the community?
The Plan Update could affect the types of activities and uses allowed in certain areas of Yaquina Bay, for everything from recreation and tourism to the fishing industry. For that reason and more, community participation in the update is crucial. The project partners need to hear about what’s working and what’s not in the management of the estuary from those who live in, work on, and love Yaquina Bay. Find out more about getting involved here.
Process for updating
The Plan Update is taking place over a 2 year period. Lincoln County, the City and Port of Newport, the City and Port of Toledo, the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians, and other partners and stakeholders in the Yaquina Bay area are working with Willamette Partnership and the University of Oregon to update the Yaquina Estuary Management Plan. The process for updating the Yaquina EMP includes:
Digitizing and updating Yaquina Estuary map information and uses;
Creating opportunities for community input to and feedback on the plan;
Incorporating climate change and natural hazard risks into the plan; and
Using the planning process itself as an opportunity to build connections among Yaquina communities to strengthen a foundation of resilience.
The process is being guided by a Steering Committee and an Advisory Committee. The role of these groups is to ensure that the EMP is technically sound while also reflecting the values of the Yaquina Bay community.
Anticipated Outcomes
The outcomes of this project include:
Adoption-ready updates to the Yaquina Bay Estuary Management Plan
Amendments to county and city Comprehensive Plans and possibly some land use ordinances
Development of a guidance document to assist other Oregon coastal communities in updating their local estuary management plans